Tuesday, August 2, 2011

SNEAK PEEK at the MLA Annual Collection Management/Technical Services Track

Technical Services Section members--the 2011 MLA Annual Conference has a great Collection Management/Technical Services Track planned. Here is a sneak preview of the Collection Management/Technical Services Track (NB: Some program titles are subject to change).

Cataloging and Metadata:
“Not Your Mother’s Authority Control: Locating Information in the 22nd Century” (Sarah Weeks)
“Cataloging, OCLC, and Minitex: Past, Present, Future” (Minitex BATS Staff)
“RDA vs AACR2 Throwdown” (Sarah Quimby, Bobby Bothmann, and others)

Collection Development:
“Use, Importance, and Collection Development of Award Winning Books within the MnPALS Consortium” (Tammy Bobrowsky)
“If You Encourage Them, They Will Come: Strategies for Building eBook Circulation” (Panel Discussion)
“Organize Your Ordering: Navigate the Sea of Vendors, Websites, and Catalogs to Build a Stronger Children’s Collection” (Frances Veit, Mic Golden, Aurora Jacobsen, possibly others)

“What’s Up with MLAC (“the Collection Down Under”)?” (Bill DeJohn and panel)
I hope to see you there! Stop by and say hello—it’s a great time to network, gather information at the sessions, and share ideas with each other.

I will post dates, times, and room assignments for these sessions once I receive them. I hope that you all are enjoying the rest of your summer!

Friday, April 22, 2011

MLA is Still Accepting Proposals!

MLA is still accepting proposals for the 2011 conference. Deadline for program proposals is April 29th!!!

Please click here for more information on submitting session proposals.

The 2011 Annual Conference will be held at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center from October 12-14th. We hope to see you there...